Our best phone answering service
Hassle-Free Communications for Multi-Location Workplaces with Evo Voice
Use Twilio like a PBX. Manage multiple locations all from the same dashboard. Simplify your organizations telecoms.

Unleash Happier, More Profitable Virtual Receptionists through our Operator Console & Voice Solutions
Some of the organizations powered by HostedSuite:

Discounted enterprise pricing (DiD 42c each)

Dedicated system design team
Maximum control, minimum hassle

What are the communication problems unique to the workspace industry?
Flexible workspaces have unique concerns that can be difficult to facilitate with traditional phone systems. Multiple locations with front desks, many different tenant companies, and centralized admin teams require complex programming to set up and maintain using traditional mainstream phone systems.
Also, reporting and managing the different levels of external invoicing and internal cost tracking is not well suited to mainstream systems and requires a lot of intervention to get working inside the workspace business model.

How does Evo Voice solve these problems?
Evo Voice is explicitly designed for setting up and managing communications in a multi-location workspace business model. As such, it has all the levels of reporting, billing, and configurations that you need to succeed in the workspace industry.
Evo Voice is a no-code web-based tool that sits on top of the Twilio network and not only extends Twilio’s functionality but makes Twilio call flows much easier to implement.

What is Twilio?
Twilio is a highly stable and advanced VOIP communications platform used by many of the largest enterprises and organizations in the world such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Airbnb, Lyft, Twitch, and many more.
It allows for much more flexible configurations than traditional phone systems and removes the need for the maintenance of hardware infrastructure.

How does Evo Voice make Twilio implementations easier?
To use Twilio you need to write code in “serverless functions” to customize behavior to your own communication needs. Evo Voice includes over 80 pre-built drag-and-drop nodes that replace the need for writing code.
In addition to providing a no-code layer for Twilio, we add several additional non-Twilio nodes that make it easier to integrate and run your workspace.

24/7 Support
Our network is available in over 150 countries world-wide. No matter what time-zone you are in, you can be assured of access to our world class support.
24 hours a day, 365 days a year our team of trained technicians and engineers are waiting to support your needs.

Multi-location System Design
Even with our easy-to-use no-code tools, designing a large system can be daunting. That’s why we will partner you with your own Evo engineer that will take your requirements and convert them for you into call flows.
Once a call flow is made you can edit it yourself or use it as a template for new flows. If you don’t want to manage call flow logic in-house then simply let our team handle all the technical work and just supply your ongoing requirements as needed.
EVO Voice key features includes
EVO Voice